How we work
At SecureBusinessPlan, we operate on a crowdfunding model, where businesses pool their premiums together for mutual protection. For example, if your coverage is £100,000 and you pay an annual premium of £1000, your payment contributes to a larger pool of premiums from other businesses. If, for instance, the total pool from all businesses is £5,000,000, 50% (£2,500,000) is reserved for claims, ensuring that businesses like yours can receive support when needed. The remaining 50% (£2,500,000) is reinvested into other business products and investments to promote growth.
Your plan starts with Deferred Coverage, where claims are processed based on available funds in the pool. Once the pool amount is sufficient, your plan will be auto upgraded to Immediate Coverage.
Customers are moved to Immediate Coverage on a first-come, first-served basis, meaning the longer you’ve been with us, the sooner your number will come up for upgrade. Claims will be processed without delay once you’re upgraded, based on the available pool amount. We ensure clear and transparent processes to maintain your trust.